It’s just gravity baby!

I know this is super controversial ... it’s not something you’re supposed to show on social media. You don’t ask about it, you NEVER tell the truth and you always keep it hidden....

But with a 👑🔥 @oliveandjune pedicure— I feel confident showing my feet for the world to see! 😘 I mean— they are my feet after all. They did a lot of dancing, they walk me to the fridge and on occasional walks around the neighborhood. They help me chase my kids around and I’m incredibly fortune to have them. ♥️

Ohhh that scale number? It’s just gravity, baby girl.

Pedi Color: @oliveandjune CDJ

Mani Color: @oliveandjune CV

Phone Case: @ohmycase

Red Lippy: @beautycounter

Leggings: @spanx