Haters need jobs….

Let me tell you a little story. Stick with me.

On Saturday, as we were being delivered our white glove service @onepeleton, I had a moment of total embarrassment, shame & flashbacks. Mostly horrid, heart breaking flashbacks of 2018 / 2019.

I was working for quite possibly one of the most narcissistic and idiotic people on the face of the planet, I was spending 3-4 HOURS a day in my car commuting (hello, #CarChronicles) and I was MISERABLE. My depression had never been worse (and that’s a lot to say, given the summer of 2012) and to add fuel to fire... I was pregnant.. Our only decision was for me to leave my (awful) incredibly high paying VP position and figure out what came next.

What came next? Ramen. A lot of left over pasta. Debt Collectors, shut off water, turned off cell Service, car repossessions and the worst first 15 weeks of HG pregnancy laid up in bed. We relied on family to pay our bills, I spent about 90% of my days in bed and our marriage suffered more than I could have ever imagined.


It would be a while, a lot of therapy, another empty corporate position, 2 miscarriages, a global pandemic and a baby— before that light at the end of the tunnel would start to illuminate.

And damn baby, did it ILLUMINATE. 💫

Woof. That was a lot to unpack on a Saturday morning just over a damn Peloton. 🤣 It made me wonder though, why I was feeling that shame over this purchase. It made me think how easily people (haters) judge what others deem “worthy” or “valuable” and how easy it is to cast stones without stories. We’ve all been there.

I’m here to tell you that you don’t owe anyone explanations. It’s ok to be FUCKING PROUD. Thomas and I have come a LONG way since that year and are PROUD of the place we worked REALLY hard to be in today. 🗣 We worked for it. 👏🏾👏🏾 You don’t owe explanations on how you choose to live, who you spend your life with, how many kids you have, what you spend your hard earned money on, what vacations you take, etc.

No one knows your story like you do.

Honey boo boo— life’s too short to spend time trying to fire your haters. Let them live. They need something to do all day! 🗣🔥Happy Tuesday. ✌🏽