Sunday’s are for giggles…

What do your Sunday mornings look like? Everyone was on the same page this morning and we all slept in late, woke up to bed wrestling matches, giggles and Miami Vice vibes.


We took a little family trip to Lowe’s to finally put in our custom order for the blinds in our master bedroom.... 4 years after moving in! Yes, that’s how long it’s been on our to do list.


On our way there, Thomas asked me if I had any idea what I wanted for my birthday (in November!) And in all honesty I couldn’t think of a single material thing. What I would loveee? A mom and dad weekend getaway! Time to call the grandparents!

If you could go anywhere for a quick getaway with just you and your hunny, where would you go? We’re looking for ideas! Hope you’re having a sweet Sunday and resting up for the week!
