The Girl In The Grainy Photo

There’s something I love so much about this shitty, grainy, video screenshot photo.

🗣 Stay with me. It’s worthy of a read…

No, it’s not the week old suit case in the background or the fact that Eli’s room has my #Amazon mirror cause it’s got the best light in the house. It’s not all the baby gadgets my 10mo old can’t use anymore cause life moves a million miles a minute.

It’s that girl.

And her smile.

Shorts she used to hate; a little midriff moment that slightly alludes to the confidence she’s feeling in her heart.

She’s so different from the girl 4 months ago. On a girls trip, crying in a corner while everyone else embraced the gorgeous scenery of the North Carolina mountains to take pictures. She was in such a dark place about her body imagine.

That girl isn’t totally healed but her journey has far progressed. In part to the undoubtable influence of the circle she admires. And in part to mental growth and forgiveness.

She’s learning to forgive a culture that values looks above everything else. She’s forgiving a society that’s so incredibly confused on the idea of true body positivity. And she’s learning to forgive herself.

The girl in this blurry, graining photo is grateful for growth in her own skin. And incredibly grateful for unapologetic advocates in self love like @aladyandherlittles, @rachel_mlewis, @clairebowman._, @unapologeticmotherhood_ and so many more. I leave the pages of these women more in love with myself than when I arrived.

I hope you’re learning to find the girl in your own grainy, beautiful picture of body love. She’s there and she deserves to come and play. 💕 And if you need a little help— this community is a great place to start.